It tries to do too much but fails at the basics.
It lets you input all of the following: fuel amount, total cost, and cost per unit, instead of calculating one. If you start by entering fuel amount and then enter cost, all works fine. But if you start with cost and later go to amount, the cost is erased. If you forget to re-enter the cost, you will see your averages drop, since you’re now getting some fuel for free apparently.
You can input mileage and “trip mileage” (which should be a difference between current and previous mileage). But if you input your historical data, there’s no “previous” mileage so your “trip mileage” will stay at 0, which will keep the consumption also at 0.
If you enter your past service date but don’t have the mileage for that date, the app will not take the closest date’s mileage, and it will not try to project the mileage for that date. Instead, it will use the current mileage. Later, you will be presented with a negative number of miles your car drives (un-drives?) per day.
The app will assume all the kinds of strange assumptions about your service history before you’ve started to use the app. It will start by reminding you to change the oil right away.
You will see badges on app’s icon but upon starting the app, no messages will be seen. The badge will not clear for some time. Then, it would magically disappear with no action on your side.
The statistics for average mileage may make no sense. E.g. your “usage” over the “last 90 days” may be X but the “avg/day” may significantly differ from X/90 in a way that makes no mathematical sense whatsoever.
The buttons to open mileage updates and fill-ups don’t look like buttons, and you may discover them by chance, or not discover them at all.
ephp about RememberTheOil - Car Maintenance